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Esoteric Healing


What is Esoteric Healing?


There is an energy field that surrounds and permeates the bodies of all living beings.  It is an active, invisible field that is commonly called the aura or etheric body.  This energy field, although invisible to the naked eye, can be photographed with Kirlian photography and felt by trained hands.  

This type of healing work uses the energy field and is known as “esoteric” healing, meaning “hidden” until studied at greater depth.  The existence of the energy field and its use in healing has its roots in ancient healing practices.  It has only been in the past few years however, that Western Science has realized its significance. Esoteric Healing was developed in the early 1960s in England.

Kelly & Dr. Barbara Briner

Kelly & Dr. Barbara Briner

When one is healthy, energy flows easily throughout the body.  When the energy is blocked, restricted, or deficient this is often associated with physical body disease, emotional issues, and/or mental alterations. These problems within the energy field are often present before they appear in the physical body.  

Esoteric Healing practitioners have learned to use their hand to sense areas of the client’s energy field that are weak or congested. Using energy balancing techniques, the practitioner can restore the client’s energy field to a more flowing, healthy state. Treatments often result in improved physical, emotional, and mental conditions. The practitioner does not touch the client but works within the energy field at various distances from the client’s body.  Healing energies are available to all, whether or not an individual belongs to any religious denomination.  You don’t have to believe in it for it to work.


What will Esoteric Healing do for me?


Have you ever tried to use a hose with a kink in it?  This is the perfect analogy of what happens when our body/mind/spirit experiences a “kink.”  Think of the water as energy, when there is a kink the energy slows or stops becoming a trickle and upstream the energy becomes excessive.

This is what happens to our energy centers, our endocrine glands, our organs, systems, and so on.  Everything is energy and everything is connected.  Esoteric Healing treatments are based upon the ageless wisdom teachings of the Tibetan Master, known as Master D.K.  

To expand then, practitioners are trained not only to balance the physical/etheric self, they also balance the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the client.  This is a thorough and gentle way to bring integration and fusion to the authentic "being-ness" of the client.  Operating with "no kinks” so to speak, is a great way to move forward in balance and harmony.

Esoteric Healing is gentle enough for all pets and animals big and small.

“Let your feet follow your heart, seek the thing you love and love the thing you seek. For then, when you find it, it will find you back. And you will feel the triumph of finding yourself in your true place and purpose in the world — perhaps in ways more surprising and wonderful than you even anticipated!
— Daily Wisdom ~ January 19: 11 LAUVIAH (Victory) by Terah Cox


What is an Esoteric Healing balancing session?


You can expect your Esoteric Healing practitioner to obtain a brief history before treatment.  Clients then close their eyes and relax, fully clothed, in a chair or on a treatment table.  Esoteric Healing work engages the energy field surrounding the client and often produces an effect of deep relaxation.  It is not difficult to be still for a typical 30-40 minutes treatment.  Occasionally, relief is obtained after one treatment; usually, after three treatments the practitioner and client assess the healing process.  During the balancing session some clients feel light movements.  Sometimes the effect of the session is felt immediately but more frequently an effect is not observed until shortly afterward.  After the session clients are encouraged to spend time quietly to facilitate their healing process. 

Energy is influenced by our mental and emotional state and the balancing session may produce an effect in these areas. Clients are asked to consider the thoughts, memories, and feelings they may experience in the days following the session.  This is an inner response to healing that the client may deal with privately or they may wish to discuss with the practitioner.

Does Esoteric Healing work for everyone?


According to the National Association for Esoteric Healing about 75% of clients benefit considerably; about 10% don’t recognize the benefit; and about 15% find that although their direct problem is not helped there is an inner change which helps to make their health problem more manageable.  

How is Esoteric Healing different from other healing modalities?

Align and Attune  Esoteric Healing facilitators align their heart center with their soul and then connects to source energy.  After asking for permission to a balancing session, the facilitator then attunes and connects with the client’s soul to allow healing to occur.  This spiritualizes the treatment.


Will of the Soul  The client’s soul is the true healer and practitioners are facilitators of the healing energy.  By working with soul energy the divine blueprint of the client’s true essence can further penetrate the remaining physical/etheric, emotional and metals bodies. 


The Ajna  Esoteric Healing facilitators use the Ajna (the point between the eye brows) as a focalizer of Soul, Heart and Source energies. Using their Ajna they direct this energy into their hands as sensing tool.  This allows the flow of higher spiritualized energy into the balancing session.


Triangles Energy follows thought and triangles work consciously and constructively with the power of thought.  Higher light, higher force and higher energy comes through the form of a triangle.  When each point of a triangle is balanced in the client’s energy field there is a natural resonance between the points of light where harmony and change can take place. 


Ray Energy  Esoteric Healing facilitators bring the rays of creation into their balancing sessions. These energy rays exist in all kingdoms and have special qualities such as Will and Power, Love and Wisdom, and Active Intelligence.  By working with ray energies, the facilitators can bring in a quality or focus of ray energy further energizing the triangles and thus the client’s energy field. 


The Crown Center

Also known as the Crown Chakra or the 1000 Petal Lotus sits on top of the head.  Everything within the physical body has an energic representation in the multi-consciousness crown center.  This allows the practitioner to work in a very fine, precise and potent way during the balancing session.


Distant Energy Healing

Along with other healing modalities Esoteric Healing offers distant or remote balancing sessions.  This is particularly the case with Esoteric Healing as practitioners only work in the client’s energy field and therefore do not touch the client.  We live in an expansive sea of energies and with our use of triangles and ray energies the distant balancing sessions are both powerful and practical.   Distant sessions are wonderful if you are traveling or just wish to stay in the comfort of your own home.  This works very well for people of all ages, children and even pets.