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 Kelly Myers

Certified Practitioner of Esoteric Healing

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Kelly Myers

ENERGY BALANCING: I’m here to help you through the stress of the crisis of individuation on your spiritual path. I am extremely qualified to help you awaken the possibilities of your innate energy fields to bring about clarity, balance and a sense of well-being. I do this for those on the spiritual path seeking to release titles, labels and roles that no longer serve the higher purpose. Clients want and need to have their energy expression to be congruent and flowing. When we think, speak and act with clarity from the Soul into the physical we are free to create, bring more fulfilment and joy into our lives. Here is what you will get from my balancing sessions: a renewed sense of healing and alignment of the body/mind/spirit and the peace that comes with that. Simultaneously you may receive a sense internal fortitude allowing you to be authentic and a trail blazer in your own life!

GUIDED MEDITATIONS: Join Kelly on an exploration of guided meditations fused with the beautiful and angelic tones of the handpan, crystal bowls, and chimes. Truly a unique experience! Read more on the HANDPAN MEDITATION tab.

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Esoteric Healing is a system of bringing balance and harmony to the energy fields of the body by working with the electromagnetic field of the body, also called the Aura. This energy field surrounds and permeates all living beings. By using the anatomy of the physical body and the Chakra system, with its seven major centers, areas of constriction and blockage are identified and brought into balance. In this way, the healing facilitator helps to restore the individual’s innate ability to bring healing as well as new perceptions and choices into manifestation for themselves. This therapy influences the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the total being. Esoteric Healing integrates beautifully with all other modalities bringing optimal health and wholeness to the individual.
